PHPEnkoder 1.12.1: "PHP is laughably bad" edition
I've released a bugfix for PHPEnkoder version 1.12. Get this: before version 5.5, PHP didn't support arbitrary array index expressions. The problem was a line:
$ord = unpack("N",$c)[1];
Which I changed to:
$bs = unpack("N",$c);
$ord = $bs[1];
This is really ridiculous. Like, serious amateur hour ridiculous. Like, if your final project in a compiler's class had syntactic limitation, you would not get a good grade. PHP is a fractal of bad design. Ugh. Just: ugh.
And while I'm complaining about these sorts of things, where are the structured content management systems? PHPEnkoder's email and mailto:
detection is a giant, horrible kludge of regular expressions. Where's the CMS where the filters get passed a structured, syntactic representation of the page to be rendered? This is a serious question, and if you know of one, please tell me.