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Locally installing LLVM with Ocaml bindings

We can't install software into the /usr tree at my office, so I end up having local installs of lots of software. Some things, like GODI, play well with this. I had some trouble finding the right way to get LLVM's Ocaml bindings to work, so I figured I'd share the wealth. The following instructions will put an install into the directory $PREFIX/llvm-install.

Here are the steps; they're followed by a plain English explanation.

svn co llvm
tar xzf llvm-gcc4.2-2.5-x86-linux-RHEL4.tar.gz
mkdir llvm-objects llvm-install
cd llvm-objects
../llvm/configure --with-llvmgccdir=$PREFIX/llvm-gcc4.2-2.5-x86-linux-RHEL4 --enable-optimized --enable-jit --prefix=$PREFIX/llvm-install --with-ocaml-libdir=$GODI_PATH/lib/ocaml/std-lib
make install

My PREFIX is my home directory, and GODI_PATH = ~/godi. First, we checkout the latest LLVM from SVN (step 2). Then we download and extract the latest release (2.5, as of writing) of LLVM-gcc (steps 3 and 4). (I couldn't get the SVN version of LLVM-gcc to work with the SVN version of LLVM.) Notably, LLVM does not support in-place builds, so we create the llvm-objects directory to actually build LLVM; we'll install it into llvm-install (step 5). We configure the software from the llvm-objects directory (steps 6 and 7). The long configure is necessary; the only optional item is --enable-jit. You may have to adjust your --with-ocaml-libdir to point to wherever your Ocaml libraries live. Then make and make install (steps 8 and 9). Voila!

To test it out, we can use the "Hello, World!" program written by Gordon Henrikson. I had to change it a little to bring it up to date with the latest APIs (in particular, the global context had to be added). You can download it as

open Printf
open Llvm

let main filename =
   let c = create_context () in

   let i8_t  = i8_type c in
   let i32_t = i32_type c in

   let m = create_module c filename in

   (* @greeting = global [14 x i8] c"Hello, world!\00" *)
   let greeting =
     define_global "greeting" (const_string c "Hello, world!\000") m in

   (* declare i32 @puts(i8* ) *)
   let puts =
     declare_function "puts"
       (function_type i32_t [|pointer_type i8_t|]) m in

   (* define i32 @main() { entry: *)
   let main = define_function "main" (function_type i32_t [| |]) m in
   let at_entry = builder_at_end c (entry_block main) in

   (* %tmp = getelementptr [14 x i8]* @greeting, i32 0, i32 0 *)
   let zero = const_int i32_t 0 in
   let str = build_gep greeting [| zero; zero |] "tmp" at_entry in

   (* call i32 @puts( i8* %tmp ) *)
   ignore (build_call puts [| str |] "" at_entry);

   (* ret void *)
   ignore (build_ret (const_null i32_t) at_entry);

   (* write the module to a file *)
   if not (Llvm_bitwriter.write_bitcode_file m filename) then exit 1;
   dispose_module m

let () = match Sys.argv with
  | [|_; filename|] -> main filename
  | _ -> main "a.out"

Now we can compile:

ocamlopt -cc g++ llvm.cmxa llvm_bitwriter.cmxa -o llvm_test
./llvm_test hello.bc # generates bitcode
$PREFIX/llvm-install/bin/llvm-dis hello.bc # disassembles bitcode into hello.ll
$PREFIX/llvm-install/bin/lli hello.bc # outputs "Hello, world!"

If interpretation via lli isn't your bag, you can also compile to native code:

$PREFIX/llvm-install/bin/llc hello.bc # generates assembly, hello.s
gcc -o hello hello.s
./hello # outputs "Hello, world!"

leo (

now how about instructions for VTune so we can make our new shiny languages fast :)

Seb (

Thanks a lot, your post was very very useful!

It seems that the current version of LLVM is simpler to compile. I just did:

svn co llvm ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --with-ocaml-libdir=`ocamlc -where` make make install

and your worked perfectly.