I explain a very cool programming paradigm, by way of a POPL paper with Harvard colleagues.
I explain our (award-winning!) PLDI 2022 paper. Also, we meet a very good dog.
An exercise in honest reporting of some very nice results.
I did a twoopsla.
A proposal (never realized) for popular presentations of PL ideas.
I explain how our OOPSLA 2020 paper can help you prototype static analyses.
Our work is featured on the SIGPLAN blog.
Someone implemented my POPL 2015/TFP 2016 work.
What if what's weird about the shell is what makes it an effective tool?
My first sole-author paper, presented in Mumbai.
Runtime checking---of types or more complex properties---can only be understood by breaking things down to the fundamental checks being done.
PL meets networking meets the very stench of Hades.
I am become doctor, lecturer of students.
I did a double.
The POPL 2010 camera ready.
Our work finally appears in a conference---OOPSLA 2009.