
posts by category about this blog

Posts in the category "Flapjax"

  1. Flapjax on PL Perspectives
    Our work is featured on the SIGPLAN blog.
  2. Our work finally appears in a conference---OOPSLA 2009.
  3. Flapjax TR
    A technical report on Flapjax.
  4. Debounce and other callback combinators
    Flapjax is a library.
  5. C# GC Leaks
    Wondering about how leaks from one developer's experience might play out for Flapjax.
  6. Lifting in Flapjax
    I explain Flapjax's core notions with a simple implementation.
  7. Flapjax Templates
    Flapjax templates anticipate the use of, e.g., curly braces in JSX.
  8. Flapjax
    Shriram Krishnamurthi's language and library for functional reactive web programming.
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